We've all seen those people who seem to be able to easily hear divine communication so instantly and easily. Some people even look at me that way. No one has an exclusive hot line to god. As difficult as it might seem, everyone has the ability. The hard part is quieting your mind enough to hear it and having the patience to wait for it. It doesn't always show up as an audible voice speaking in your ear. Divine communication can come through in many ways.
Here are 5 Easy Steps to enhance your ability to receive divine communication.
Take slow deep breaths. Calm and your body, quiet your mind.
Ask. Ask from a place of the highest good for all. Ask a question about something you'd like higher wisdom about or ask for what you want.
Listen and Allow. Let go of control and let the process happen. Allow the communication to come to you.
Discern. The voice of spirit/god, your soul, your higher and the highest good for all always comes from love. If the answer or sign is coming from fear it is not guidance.
Let it go. Sometimes answers come in the form of thoughts, feelings, hunches in the mind or body and sometimes they come from signs and symbols in the external world. Divine communication is something to tune into, not to control or force.
Miracles, signs and wonders await you. Let go and allow it to happen.